Forum Rules

The forum rules of DownloadHUB! are very simple and are expected to be followed.

    ->No spamming
    ->No flamming
    ->Show Respect to every single member on our forum
    ->We would like to request our members to please post in the           
       correct sections and keep our beloved forums clean and enjoyable.
    ->ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT. Without giving credit and the original link back  
       from where you got it from, you will receive an automatic "1 week ban
       It would be greatly appreciated if you return the favor if you so happen
       to post any content from DHUB on another site.

Posting Downloadable Content

I understand lots of people are worried about going to sites, and downloading things that you know may not be safe. That's why before you post any downloadable content it is mandatory to do a full virus scan.
Also, we will do a full scan and post wether its safe or not. and to make sure it is working well.

DHUB Staff